Membership of any kind of elite club or select society is often designed to boost the status and egos of those fortunate enough to possess it - while leaving those excluded peering curiously and sometimes even enviously over their shoulder. When it comes to the elite club established by God, such inbuilt inequality can often prompt pointed and difficult questions:
Wednesday, 9 October 2024
Is the concept of a 'chosen nation' inherently unfair?
Sunday, 14 July 2024
The parashah -- from Bilaam's perspective
The chapter of Judaism Reclaimed that relates to parashat Balak examines Bilaam and Balak’s motive to harm the Jewish people in the context of the broader concept of Jewish ancestral merit.
Monday, 24 June 2024
Holy nation and biblical interpretation
The episode of Korach’s insurrection against Moshe and his authority provides a platform for Rabbi S. R. Hirsch to analyse the concept of the Israelites as a “holy nation” – a point emphasised by Korach:
"the entire congregation are all holy and have God in their midst, and why have you elevated yourself over the community of God?"
Korach sprang forth and said to Moshe: ‘if a garment is entirely colored with sky-blue tekhelet dye, is it or is it not exempt from the obligation of tzitzit?’ Said Moshe: ‘it is nevertheless obligated in tzitzit!’ Korach then retorted: ‘if a garment that is colored entirely with sky-blue tekhelet dye cannot exempt itself, shall four small threads then exempt it?!’
Wednesday, 19 June 2024
Chosen models and model societies
The notion of chosenness – that God selected one preferred nation from the entire humanity – is a central theme that runs through the Torah. Taking a step back this is not a simple concept to understand: why would God have sought only one nation to be the bearers of His word?
“Never again does God want to destroy mankind. Rather, He wants to educate humanity through its experiences, to self-knowledge and knowledge of God. Nevermore will mankind as a whole be allowed to sink to the ultimate depths of degradation reached by the generation that had perished. Therefore, mankind must be dispersed, lest the human species, gradually spreading over the earth, constitute but one single family, in which corruption festering at one end would quickly infect the whole… In order for this educational plan to be possible, the earth emerged from its devastation in a different form, diversified in climate and soil, intersected by a web of seas and rivers, mountains and deserts.”
Monday, 27 May 2024
Israel alone and isolated -- unique and blessed
The front cover image of the latest edition of The Economist accurately reflects the reality for Israel in the world at this time. The United Nations, whose organisations and employees have been complicit in Jew hatred and genocide, argue only over which words to use to condemn the Jewish state and its attempts to make its borders safe for its traumatized citizens.
It is vital that we remember at these difficult times that standing alone should not be seen as a threat to Jews. It is something that we have come to expect –even as a point of pride prophetically predicted by our great biblical adversary Bilaam (and echoed later by Haman):
“it is a nation that will dwell alone, and will not be reckoned among the nations.” [Bemidbar 23:9]
Israel is seen as separate and apart whether in exile among the nations or dwelling in its homeland. Amos Oz famously commented that:
“When my father was a young man in Vilna, every wall in Europe said, "Jews go home to Palestine." Fifty years later, when he went back to Europe on a visit, the walls all screamed, "Jews get out of Palestine.”
A resounding message which emerges from the tense discussion between Mordechai and Esther at the darkest moments of the Purim story is that God has a covenant with us – revach vehatzalah (divine salvation) will always arise from somewhere. We may not know where or how it will be achieved but we have relied upon God’s promise for thousands of years. Our strength has not come from being popular or great in number:
“Not because you are more numerous than any people did God delight in you and choose you, for you are the least of all the peoples. But because of God’s love for you…” [Devarim 7:7]
This is the message we must recall as we seek to secure our borders after the brutal unprovoked attacks of October 7. As we are lectured by human rights luminaries such as Russia, China and the Arab world – Nations United in their horror of seeing Jews defend themselves as the West did during the Second World War against Nazi Germany. The ideology of Amalek – those who delight in targeting and brutalizing the weak and innocent – must be utterly destroyed from our borders. If we must stand alone in the moral clarity of defeating evil then so be it. Lo Tishkach.
It is poignant when reading in the Megillah of past efforts to destroy the Jewish people to bear in mind the words of Ron Dermer, Israeli ambassador to America, last week:
“When I was Israel's Ambassador to Washington, I must have met more than 160 other Ambassadors. I never met the Ambassador of Babylon, never met the Ambassador of Imperial Rome and I didn't meet the Ambassador of the 1,000-Year Reich. But there is an Ambassador of Israel. We will survive this enemy.”
Somewhere over the Rambam? The peculiarities of rainbows in Jewish thought
Towards the end of last week, in the midst of Israel’s much anticipated rainy season, this image from Bat Yam was a striking ray of beauty i...
In a popular post last month, this group explored a suggestion (advanced by the Seforno and developed by Rabbi S. R. Hirsch) that God’s init...
One of the primary themes of Talmud Reclaimed is the exploration of how and why the study of Talmud has evolved over the 1500 or so year...
It is understandable that, in Torah portions containing key events such as the founding covenants of our nation and God’s command for Yitzch...